Operating temperature range: -50…+110 °C
Power voltage: +4…+12 V DC
Supply current: (24°C): 6.8 ± 0.2 mA
Temperature dependence of the supply current: ± 0.002 mA/K
Required load resistance: 75 ohm
Nominal gain factor: 20 dB
Typical frequency band: 30 kHz … 3 MHz (-3dB)
Output voltage level: max. 800 mVp-p (without distortion)
Permissed amplitude of test impulse: -1 V…-80 V
Options: – Versions for building in to the sensor / to the sensor cable
. – Wider frequency band 15 kHz … 3 MHz (-3dB)
. – Wider operating temperature range -50…+145 °C
. – Higher gain factor: 30 dB